T∕ASC 08-2020 办公建筑应对“新型冠状病毒”运行管理应急措施指南.pdf

T∕ASC 08-2020 办公建筑应对“新型冠状病毒”运行管理应急措施指南.pdf
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T∕ASC 08-2020 办公建筑应对“新型冠状病毒”运行管理应急措施指南.pdf


1每大注水应保持地漏水封完好; 2水封深度达到50mm的地漏每日注水不应少于2次,每次注水不应少于 350ml; 3水封深度未达到50mm的不符合规范要求的地漏注水次数应视情况增加 注水次数,保证地漏不干滴; 4用于淋浴排水的地漏应及时清理毛发,减少水封损失:

5坐便器每次冲水后若没有尾流把底盘中的水封充满,应更换水箱中的配件, 增加此功能,或每次冲水后人工加水; 6使用频率较低的坐便器应注意每天检查、加水,保持水封有效; 7洗手盆不宜采用盆塞,以防止盆塞拔开放水形成自虹吸造成水封损失;如 果保洁清洗必须采用盆塞时,拔开盆塞放水后要用细水流把水封充满: 8暂不使用的卫生间,应每天对各个器具的水封注水; 9单立管系统特别是塑料单立管系统,应注意观察坐便器底盘水封是否有气 泡从水中上冒,如有,则在该楼层坐便器的水封中加注适量消毒液,每次冲水后加 汪; 10清洁消毒后坐便器宜盖上盖子减少水封蒸发。 3.1.6封闭不使用的排水点,并应符合下列规定: 1应检查供水泵房、水箱间、换热站、制冷机房、空调机房等设有排水点的 设备机房的地漏,不经常使用的建议暂时封闭,待使用时打开;


3.1.6封闭不使用的排水点GB/T 19264.1-2011 电气用压纸板和薄纸板 第1部分:定义和一般要求,并应符合下列规定:

1应检查供水泵房、水箱间、换热站、制冷机房、空调机房等设有排水点 设备机房的地漏,不经常使用的建议暂时封闭,待使用时打开; 2应封闭堵严地下非密闭式污水泵井盖板井盖上的检修小孔

3.2.1应建立和执行供水水质定期检测制度。 3.2.2正常情况下生活饮用水、管道直饮水、生活集中热水,应严格按照国家相 关标准的规定进行水质检测。防疫期各项供水应做一次检测。 3.2.3水质检测应委托具有资质的第三方检测机构进行,未及时检测的应补充水 质检测。 3.2.4对出现水质不合格的用水系统,应对管道系统进行冲洗消毒,同时应立即 排查污染原因


清洗开式生活水箱、空调系统开式膨胀水箱等 2检查冷却塔水质,适当加大冷却塔补水量和排污量。

3 集中热水系统,特别是采用太阳能、热泵等作为热源的系统(如食堂等), 应采用高温消毒等措施,杀灭管道系统的军团菌等。 3 高温消毒应保证最不利点水温不应低于60℃,持续时间不应小于1h。 3 管道系统上宜设置银离子、光催化氧化消毒器

3.5.1应保持污水系统伸顶通气立管畅通,便于污浊气体向大气扩散。 3.5.2坐便器坐圈应配置一次性垫纸。 3.5.3非密闭式的污水泵井周边应定期喷洒过氧乙酸或过氧化氢进行消毒,有条 件的附加采用紫外线灯照射。 3.5.4洗车点等潮湿空间应做好通风,定期消毒。 3.5.5楼内卫生管理员,应对卫生间及其卫生洁具的清洁情况(包括排泄物的残 留情况)进行检查,并及时处理。清洁与检查频次不宜少于1次/2h,不应少于 (2~4) 次/d。




4.2.2消每方式与消每剂应根据不向的对象选择,开应符合下列规定: 1用于空气消毒宜采用过氧乙酸、过氧化氢、二氧化氯; 2用于物体表面消毒,宜采用含氯类或溴类的消毒剂; 3与皮肤接触的,宜采用酒精、异丙醇、洗必泰醇、碘伏等; 4消毒剂的浓度配比、不同消毒剂的有效接触时间应符合产品说明书要求 4.2.3对于人员不经常停留、通风换气不良的场所(例如空调机房、清洁储物间、 水处理间等),可采取设置紫外灯方式消毒。 4.2.4保洁人员工作时,应戴好手套、口罩。卫生间、走廊、开水间等不同区域 更用的清洁用具如拖把、抹布、保洁手套等不应混用。 4.2.5下列空间应加强保洁和消毒。可采用250mg/L有效氯的含氯消毒液(如84 消毒液)或含漠消毒剂擦拭消毒,清洁与检查频次不宜少于1次/2h,不应少于 (2~4)次/d。 1公共空间中可能频繁与人手接触的部位: (1)旋转门、直拉门、自动开启门、门框、门把手、窗、窗框、窗台表面、楼 第或平台扶手; 2)卫生间坐便器表面,小便器表面,洗脸盆化妆台化妆镜: (3)电梯按钮; (4)灯开关、空调开关、洗手盆、坐便器水箱按钮、非自动开启的水龙头 等。 2公共建筑内日常保洁保养的部位,如大理石、釉面地砖、水磨石、水泥地 面,地毯(干式、湿洗、蒸汽清洁),玻璃、镜子、金属面、木墙裙、木墙面、金 属饰板墙面,墙纸内墙、通风口、灯饰等应在保洁操作规程中适当增加消毒环节; 3清洁用品的消毒应符合下列规定: (1)抹布在清洗干净后,采用250mg/L有效氯的含氯消毒液浸泡30min 中净消毒液,干燥备用; (②)拖布在清洗干净后,采用500mg/L有效氯的含氯消毒液浸泡30min, 中净消毒液,干燥备用; 4建筑内设有多部电梯时,可采用交叉运行和消毒(不运行电梯)的方式。

1为便于在执行本指南条文时区别对待,对要求严格程度不同的用词说明如下: 1)表示很严格,非这样做不可的: 正面词采用“必须”;反面词采用“严禁”。 2)表示严格,在正常情况下均应这样做的: 正面词采用“应”;反面词采用“不应”或“不得”。 3)表示允许稍有选择,在条件许可时首先应这样做的: 正面词采用“宜”;反面词采用“不宜”。 4)表示有选择,在一定条件下可以这样做的,采用“可”。 2条文中指明应按其他有关标准执行的写法为:“应符合......的规定"或“应 按..热行”。



《办公建筑应对“新型冠状病毒”运行管理应急措施指南》T/ASC08 2020,经中国建筑学会2020年2月4日以公告第01号批准发布, 为使以人员较为集中为显著特点的办公建筑在春节长假之后能够科 学、正常使用,防止因人员集中、大楼机电系统使用不当等导致“新型冠 伏病毒”传播的扩大,保护办公建筑使用者的健康,编制组认真总结2003 年我国SARS防治的实践经验,并在厂泛征求意见的基础上,制定本指 南。 为方便办公建筑的产权单位、使用单位、物业管理单位等有关人员在 使用本指南时能正确理解和执行条文规定,《办公建筑应对“新型冠状病 毒”运行管理应急措施指南》编制组按章、节、条顺序编制了本指南的条文 说明,对条文规定的目的、依据以及执行中需注意的有关事项进行了说 明。但是,本条文说明不具备与指南正文同等的法律效力,仅供使用者作 为理解和把握指南规定的参考

1 总则. 2通风空调. 2.1通风空调系统, 2.2空气处理与空调水系统 3给排水系统. 3.1排水系统的水封、存水弯、地漏 3集中热水系统. 中水处理站 4系统清洁和保洁消毒.. 4.2保洁消毒

2. 1 通风空调系统

负担多个空间的全空气系统,为了防止房间空气的交叉感染,建议回风系统 关闭,新风阀(和排风阀一一双风机系统)全开(单风机系统开启部分外窗)。同 时,室温控制设定值尽可能提高,热水供水温度和水流量的加大,与2.1.2条 的第5款同理。 2.1.4(1)适当隔离就餐(买餐)人员与售餐(或加工)部位,是为了防止在买 餐过程中可能带来的“飞沫传播”,这是简单易行的措施。即使按照本条第4款所 建议的快餐方式,因为备餐方式的多样化,采取这一措施也是必要的。(2)在 常规设计和建造中,厨房对于餐厅是“相对负压”,为的是防止厨房的污浊空气进 入餐厅,且通过餐厅为厨房做一部分机械补风。但目前情况下,因为就餐人员的多 样性,防止餐厅有可能的污染源进入厨房,就是更重要的问题了。 2.1.5本条列入的是一些非空调(冷热)供应时的运行情况和要求。 上班之前提前开启(和下班之后延长开启)通风系统,都有助于增加建筑的 通风换气。但对于严寒和寒冷地区,需要注意的是室温问题。尤其是夜间运行的过 程中,要保证室温在防冻温度之上。 所有能够运行的机械排风系统(尤其是人员使用直接相关的空间:卫生间、 车库等),都应该投入运行

2.2 空气处理与空调水系统

3.1 排水系统的水封、存水弯、地漏

.1 排水系统的水封、存水弯、地漏

率>99.92%。《世界卫生组织饮用水质量指南》第四版(2011)中指出,银离子 浓度低于0.1mg/L的饮水不会对人体造成不良影响,

4.2.5本条参照《医疗机构消毒技术规范》(2015版)清洁用品消毒、《病房及 门诊常用消毒方法指南》物品消毒等行业标准和文献,结合专家意见制定。强调 办公建筑中易于人手触及的部位应加强消毒,在日常保洁保养中应考虑加入消毒 工序,以及清洁用品的消毒。使用中还应结合各地防疫的形势变化以及有关部门提 出新的消毒方法

Guidelines for emergency operation


(English Translation)

bytheArchitectural Society of China

Standard of the Architectural Society of China

Standardof the ArchitecturalSocietyof China

Guidelines for emergency operation and management of office buildings for dealing with “novelcoronavirus"

Guidelines for emergency operation and

Developed by:

China Construction Technology Group Corporation Limited

Approved by:



February 05, 2020

2020 Beijing

Foreword. General provisions.. Ventilationand air conditioning. 2.1 Ventilation and air conditioning system.... 2.2Airtreatment and hot/chilled and condensing water system.. Water supply and drainage system.... 3.1 Water sealing, water trap, and floor drain in drainage system... 3.2 Waterqualityassurance 3.3 Centralized hotwatersupplysystem.. 3.4 Reclaimed watertreatment station.. 门 System cleaning and cleaning disinfection... 4.1System cleaning.... 4.2 Cleaning disinfection. 5Garbagecollectionandtemporarystorage.... 4 Explanation of wording in the Guidelines Listofquotedstandard

Forewor General provisions.. Ventilationandairconditioning. 2.1 Ventilation and air conditioning system.... 2.2 Air treatment and hot/chilled and condensing water system... Water supply and drainage system.... 3.1 Water sealing, water trap, and floor drain in drainage system.... 3.2 Waterqualityassurance 3.3 Centralized hotwatersupplysystem.. 3.4 Reclaimed watertreatment station.. 10 3.5S Systemmaintenance 10 System cleaning and cleaning disinfection... 4.1System cleaning.... 4.2 Cleaning disinfection. 5Garbagecollectionandtemporarystorage.... 14 Explanation of wording in the Guidelines 15 Listof quotedstandard




The Guidelines consists of 5 clauses:1. General provisions; 2.Ventilation and air conditioning; 3.Water supply and drainage system; 4.System cleaning and cleaning disinfection; and 5.Garbage collection and temporary storage

Developedby:ChinaConstructionTechnologyGroupCorporationLimited Participated with: China Architecture Design &Research Group Translated by: Beiling Foryou Data Technology Co., Ltd.

Chief Drafters:Zhao Li, PanYungang, Liu Peng Chief Reviewers:Wang Qingqin,Xu Wei, Zhu Xiaodi,Xiao Wei,Wu Yong,Yang Xudong Li Deying,XuQing,LiXianting,ZhuNeng,Tan Hongwei,ZhaoXu,WuJingshan,NaWei Zhu Weifeng, Pu Zhen, Zhang Beihong, Lu Bin, Cao Yang, Li Dan, Song Yehui, Wang Zhichao,Cao Yong,Xu Zhaowei, Niu Limin, Wei Zheng,Cao Guoqing,Meng Chong Chief Translators:Meng Yongye,Peng Shaoqian, Ma Xin,Wang Feixue, Duan Huanhuan Chief Translator Revisers:Wang Jihui, Wang Lifei, Liu Zhiyang,Wang Haitao,Zhao Li, Xu Wen Long


1.o.1The Guidelines are developed to guiding the emergency operation and management of office buildings for dealing with the prevention and control of “nove coronavirus"epidemic.

1.o.4Theemergencyoperationandmanagementoftheofficebuildingsinnove coronavirus" prevention and control period shall meet the requirements specified in both heGuidelinesan rds of thenation

2 Ventilation and air conditioning

2.1Ventilation and air conditioning syste

2.1.1Theofficebuildingshouldgivepriorityto increasingtheventilationvolumeoffresh airas one of themosteffectivepreventionmeasures.Variousmeasures should betaken according to the forms of air conditioning systems in the office buildings.

Theairconditioning systemmaybe operatednormallyas usual,andallthe fresh airsystems shallbeoperated withthemaximumfreshairvolume

2)For buildings with each office room equipped with centralized fresh air system and each floor's toilets and walkways equipped with centralized mechanical exhaust system, the exhaust system shall be put into operation, and two of the following ventilation modes maybeadoptedforeachroom:

③)Thetotalexhaustairvolumeofthecentralizedexhaustsystemonafloorshal not be less than 70% of the designed total fresh air supply volume of the floor, otherwise the exhaust air system should be appropriately reformed (by replacing exhaust fan, etc.).

3 The requirements for the set point of room temperature or the control method of the hot/chilled water valve are the same as those for the fresh air handling units, see 2.1.2 Item5.

2.1.4Thefollowingmeasuresarere forcanteenandkitchenareas:

1Forcanteen,fooddeliveringareaanddiningareashallbepartitioned(forexample, isingtransparentplates)toproperlyseparatethedinersinthediningareafromthestaffs n the kitchen (and in the food delivering area). The isolation height shall be 1.3m~2.Om the respiratoryaffected space of human being);

3 All exhaust systems for toilets and soiled articles disposal rooms shall be put into pperation all the time to ensure that the air pressure difference between these rooms and thearea beyond theseareas is negative;

4Theventilationsystemoftheundergroundgarageshallbeputintonorma operation according to the design requirements; in areas seriously affected by the epidemic, the daily operation time shall be extended;

5Ventilation shall be enhanced in the drinking water tank room and the direc drinking water treatment room

2.2.1 The fresh air and all makeup air of the building shall be taken directly from the a clean place outside air shall be introduced from outside air inlets to air handling units or fans by duct other than air handling units or fans take fresh air indirectly (e.g. from mechanical room),

2.2.3Ifpossible,forbuildingswithheatingrequirements,thehotwatertemperatureo the air handling unit and air conditioning units shall be increased as much as possible to reduce the impact on room temperature caused by the increased fresh air volume; for ouildings with cooling requirements, the supply chilled water temperature set point shall bereducedto5C~6

2.2.4Duringworkinghours,theindoor devicesshabeputintooperation


3.1.1For the connection of water apparatus and thedrainage system, the pollutant gas in the sewer pipes must be blocked from entering the room by using water sealing

3.1.2Thepropertymanagement staff shall organize the investigation and improvemeni of all the water sealing devices connected between the pipeline system and the drain oointsofdrainagesystems,sewagesystems,wastewatersystems,buildingreclaimed watercollectionsystems,andairconditioningcondensatecollectionsystems

1drainage pipe at lower part of hand basin (table top)

3drainage pipe of squatting pan of toilet in the upper floor (usually in the suspended ceiling); 4drainage pipe of pedestal urinal in the upper floor; 5drainage pipe of mop sink; 6floor drain must be equipped with water sealing,those without water sealing shall be closed;

6floor drain must be equipped with water sealing, those without water sealing shal beclosed:

be closed; 7 drainage pipe for air conditioning condensate;

7drainage pipe forair conditioning condensate;

8for toilets with bathtubs, the bathtubs shall be checked to confirm that they are equipped with drainage water sealing,and those for which confirmation cannot be made should be closed and blocked:

Todrainage pipes at other drainage points

3.1.5The water sealing shall be in favorable condition and meet the follo

1Inject waterevery dayand afterwaterinjection,thewater sealingoffloor drain shall be in sound condition; 2For floor drains with a water sealing depth of 50mm, water shall be filled no less than 2 times a day,with an amount of no less than 350ml each time

3For floor drains with a water sealing depth less than 5Omm or for those do not meet the requirements of the standard, the number of water injection shall be increased as appropriate toensurethat thefloordrains donot drv up

3.1.6Unused drainagepoints shall be closed andthefollowing requirements shall be met:

3.1.6Unuseddrainagepoints shall beclosedandthefollowingrequirements shall be met:

DB37T 4240-2020 城镇残疾人居家托养服务规范Waterqualityassurar

3.2.1Systemfor regular testing of water quality shall be established and implemented.

3.2.2Undernormalcircumstances,drinkingwater,finedrinkingwaterfrompipesand centralized domestic hot water shall be tested for water quality in strict accordance with relevant standards of the nation. During epidemic prevention period, all water supplies shall be tested once.

3.2.4Forwatersystemswithunqualifiedwaterquality,thepipelinesystemshallbe flushed and disinfected, and the cause for pollution shall be checked immediately 3.2.5The disinfection equipment of water supply system shall be checked to ensure that itworks normally

3.2.6The following key parts shall be checke

SN/T 3740-2013 国境口岸圣路易斯脑炎病毒检测方法 实时荧光RT-PCR法ollowingkeypartsshallbecheckedorcleaned

2Water quality of the cooling tower shall be checked and water replenishing amount and sewage discharge amount of the cooling tower shall be increased as appropriate
